Great Falls: What Is Happening In My Alley?
What. Is. Happening. In. My. Alley?
Seriously, there is some trashy stuff going on where I live.
Two years ago, my alley was being used as an appliance dump. I was able to make an entire gallery out of all of the refrigerators and freezers in the alley.
Then in July, a resident of the alley showed us she was a garbage Nazi. Read about that here.
Then, for about a week one of these giant garbage cans went missing. It mysteriously returned in the middle of the night and...
Now, It's This Every Week In The Alley
A couple of times a week, I go out to my yard and see this: (This was yesterday when I got home from work.)
The first couple of weeks, I'd think, "Who has all this stuff? Who has 3 lawn mowers, 6 bikes and a thousand car seats sitting around?" Sometimes I'm such a nerd.
This just keeps happening week after week after week in my alley. Usually, the trash dumper just does it to THIS garbage can in particular. I can't figure out why, but it's really starting to piss me off.
Yes, I realize I'm an alley dweller. Yes, I realize most people don't have to look at their alley every day like a front yard. However, could that be part of the reason this dumper feels so brazen?
Today, I Wake Up To This:
This is the trash can that sits in front of MY house that the garbage Nazi wanted all for himself.
Are. You. Kidding? This is just ridiculous.
Since last week, I've seen 3 lawn mowers, I'd say 5-8 bikes (or bike parts), 2 gigantic broken tvs, that small tv in the picture above, 5ish car seats, 2 toy cars, weights and various other things scattered by the city garbage cans.
I won't even get into my rant that people who do garbage collection for the city shouldn't be expected to clean up this kind of thing. (And yet, every week they do. Our trash people in Great Falls RULE.)
Check out this picture. Same garbage can as the first picture, but they dumped more stuff under the cover of night.
The item I circled in red (and that handle bar part of the bike) was in the line of tires, so I moved them. I'm not sure what the wooden thing is, but I'll tell you that thing weighed a good 35-40 pounds. That would be nice to hit while you're driving down the alley.
I Don't Think Anything Can Be Done
I thought about putting up a camera and trying to get the plate number for whoever is doing this. Then I thought that if people don't get arrested for stealing things on camera, why would anything happen to alley dumper?
Thanks for coming to my garbage alley Ted Talk.
Let's take a look at 2022 when my alley was the cool place to dump an appliance ⬇⬇⬇
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